Cindy Wigglesworth
Cindy Wigglesworth, MA is the Founder and President of Deep Change, Inc. She originally founded her business (as Conscious Pursuits, Inc) in 2000 to assist individuals and corporations to develop and utilize all four of their key intelligences: IQ, emotional intelligence (EQ), spiritual intelligence (SQ) and physical intelligence (PQ).
She has become a recognized expert in the field of Spiritual Intelligence. Inspired by the work of Dr. Daniel Goleman and Dr. Richard Boyatzis, Cindy has, with the help of PhDs in various fields, created and validated a skills-based SQ assessment (the SQ21™ ) and has field tested ways to help people build their own SQ. She defines spiritual intelligence as "the ability to behave with wisdom and compassion, while maintaining inner and outer peace, regardless of the situation." Her approach is faith-neutral, faith-friendly and science-friendly. It is appropriate for use as part of a leadership development program, a diversity curriculum or as part of your own personal growth work.
She is also the co-author (as Cynthia S. Graves) of the book Grown-Up Children Who Won't Grow Up
> Read the Deep Intelligence White Paper - learn more about the 4 intelligences of leadership (IQ, EQ, SQ and PQ)
> Learn more about the SQ21 Self-Assessment
Order the SQ21 book in:
> Learn about how to coach/train to the SQ21 material

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